5 Ways to Implement Engagement Surveys into any Workplace Culture

Integrating Employee Engagement Surveys as Part of the Culture

[caption id="attachment_3571" align="alignright" width="280"]5WaystoImplementEngagementSurveys Encourage a Strong Workplace Culture[/caption] The rules of employee engagement are changing in many workplaces. No longer is engagement seen as some kind of passive aspect of running a business, but rather as an active campaign to make the employee experience more positive. How can any organization measure the success of any engagement effort? Through employee engagement surveys that provide real-time data and proof that efforts are working. How can an organization implement engagement surveys and reports into the workplace culture, so that it becomes a regular part of operations? Here are 5 suggestions for making this happen.

#1- Making Engagement a Regular Part of the Overall Culture of Success

When employees are happy and engaged at work, they are contributing fully to the success of the company. But, engagement is not simply created. It’s an effort that must be active and participatory so that it becomes part of the overall corporate culture. Make engagement building and survey management a part of the core value of the company and success will follow.

#2 – Getting Management to Connect with Employees

The hardest part of building engagement is getting upper executives to understand that the ways they relate to employees matters. If the management team is disconnected from the people who work so hard daily to make the company great, then it’s easy for negativity to seep into the workplace. Employee engagement surveys with real-time messaging allows for regular dialogue and connection between management and employees.

#3 – Partnering with Employees to Reach Company Goals

Companies are placing more emphasis on making employees responsible for their own engagement levels and their performance. While measures can be put into place to encourage this, ultimately employees must believe they are contributing. Giving employees a real voice in the way things happen in the workplace makes them feel as if they are partnering with leadership to achieve company objectives.

#4 – Increasing Empowerment in the Workplace

Engagement surveys help to empower employees to speak up about ideas, improvements, and contributions to the company. Regular daily or weekly check-in’s demonstrate to employees that the management team takes their concerns and suggestions seriously. This empowers employees to think creatively and become part of the solution.

#5 – Building Loyalty with Employees

As leaders, we often expect employees to be loyal to the company, when in reality it’s the other way around. Many employees are looking for a company that not only offers them a rewarding experience, but that is loyal to their personal and professional goals. Building engagement is about reciprocation of loyalty between the employer and employees. Engagement surveys measure this loyalty and spot trouble areas. If you are looking for ways to build employee engagement and use surveys in your workplace, it’s easy to integrate this powerful tool into your business.
To learn more about how Thymometrics’ real-time employee engagement surveys can improve your internal communications, email info@thymometrics.com, call +1 646 760 9323 (US) or +44 (0) 1223 750 251 (Europe) or visit thymometrics.com. Image courtesy of nenetus at FreeDigitalPhotos.net
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