Why Remote Working Can Boost Productivity

The Coronavirus pandemic took hold in the UK in 2020; consequently, the UK government instructed the population to 'stay at home'.
For many, this also meant working from home, which was entirely new to most businesses. It meant that business owners had to find ways to adapt to a new way of working while ensuring that employees could still perform in their roles.
In 2020, around 5.6 million people worked from home in the UK. The trend has continued into 2022, with 84% of workers stating that they expected to work in a hybrid model.
Although many UK workers have returned to the workplace in some capacity, many businesses are offering their employees the opportunity to work between the office and home.
In many cases, concerns about a drop in productivity were unfounded and, in fact, productivity levels increased for many businesses. These are some reasons why remote working can boost productivity.
Fewer Distractions
There are often fewer distractions at home than in the workplace. At the office, working for a sustained period can be challenging as colleagues want to have a chat, and conflicting tasks can arise. Although there may be the issue of children or dogs at home, it is usually less distracting and quieter than in the workplace.
Greater Flexibility
Remote working offers much greater flexibility than the office. Although employers may set the expected working hours, there is usually more freedom than in the workplace. Managers don't expect remote workers to let them know when they pop out to the shop or walk the dog. However, in the workplace, there tends to be set breaks. A greater degree of flexibility can create a more productive and happier working environment.
Increased Breaks
Workers can become burnt out in the workplace due to stress, leading to a decline in productivity. When working remotely, there is the chance to take more regular rest breaks, which helps conserve energy to make employees more productive.
Longer Days
Instead of employees working less, they often work many more hours than they would in the workplace. There is no commute back and forth, so workers are ready to start on time. In the workplace, they may arrive on time, but it's often another 30 minutes before the working day begins when coffee and catch-ups are taken into account. Often, employees will also work long after their shift ends at home.
Enhanced Routine
Poor mental health is a big problem for employers, and with 1 in nearly 7 workers experiencing mental health issues, it is an issue that can lead to productivity problems for businesses. However, when working remotely, employees can enjoy a better balance between work and day-to-day life, enhancing their routines.
It is difficult to know how satisfied employees are with their working environment unless you ask them. For example, they may want to work in the office or they may be more motivated by remote work. At Thymometrics, you can utilise our always-on surveys and anonymous feedback to gain insights into how satisfied employees are in every aspect of their working life and environment. You can call us at 01223 750251 or email hello@thymometrics.com to find out more. You can also visit our website, thymometrics.com.
Photo by LinkedIn Sales Solutions on Unsplash