Why Every Weekend Should Be A 3 Day Weekend, According To Science

Guest blog by Tiffany McAdams at InvestmentZen.com.

Employee engagement carries a lot of weight in the corporate world. It's a vital piece of the productivity puzzle with plenty of theories on how it's best achieved. Many theories have validity, and can combine a blend of a variety of techniques to generate the best outcome for the company and their employees.

Among the major contributors to employee engagement is a sense of a good work-life balance. It improves employee morale to the point that everything from hourly productivity to the number of sick days taken by staff sees positive results. New evidence suggests that our typical 2-day weekends do not contribute sufficiently to a healthy work-life balance.

Taking this a step further, research also indicates that our 40-hour workweek plays a significant part in our culture’s chronic fatigue epidemic. Not only do full-time employees often struggle to begin their week, and usually become sluggish and unfocused by the end of it, but they also tend to spend their weekends taking care of such things as family business, home maintenance and other obligations, leaving almost no time to recover from the week before. As a result, productivity, job satisfaction, focus, creativity and accuracy all suffer.

Most companies already invest in their employees by way of 401k plans and insurance benefits. However, by investing in other ways, from flexible hours to a longer weekend, can bring huge benefits in employee engagement and retention. You might even retain some of your employees clear through to retirement. In addition, with the increase in overall production, the company’s bottom line will see the benefits as well.

The evidence increases daily, from scientific research to a growing number of companies implementing the 3-day weekend as standard policy. Take a look at the infographic below - it might help bring your company one step closer to that optimal level of employee engagement and team morale. Why Every Weekend Should Be A 3 Day Weekend Via: InvestmentZen

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