Seeing Employee Engagement from the Manager's Point of View
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Engagement - The Manager’s Perspective[/caption]
As managers, it’s time to reconsider the way that we handle employee engagement in the workplace. It’s common knowledge that engagement is a sign of employee satisfaction, motivation, and productivity. But, the ways in which we track and measure it must change. Annual engagement surveys are so
From the manager’s perspective, employee engagement has always been a way to concentrate on the following factors:
- The costs of hiring and firing staff, including recruitment and training
- The temporary disruption to others in the office when employees are disengaged
- Loss of potential earnings and clients when key employees finally leave the business
Fortunately, a real-time employee engagement management tool can support managers in their quest to retain and inspire their best people. A clear vision of how people are feeling and how this changes over time can help managers to identify any problems before they happen. Managers have the timely insight to make tough decisions, such as when to let someone go because of poor engagement that impacts their performance – or when to use methods to re-engage valued employees.
Managers can also use real-time
employee survey data to build trust with employees.
How? Responding to concerns and taking action to address them demonstrates that management actually listens to employees. During meetings, management can bring up concerns and talk about ways to make things better.
employee engagement surveys allow for two-way anonymous communication within the platform so that immediate concerns and issues can be addressed promptly and directly by managers, whether privately or via memos back to employees. This empowers managers to have better overall control over the progress of their teams and stay connected to them on a continual basis.
Annual engagement surveys are a thing of the past, as
real-time engagement surveys give managers the resources they need to be successful in leading their people. From this perspective, it’s no wonder that more managers prefer using engagement tools that give them a pulse of their company as change happens.
In Part 2 of our blog, we will discuss real-time engagement from the Employee's perspective.
To find out more about how Thymometrics can help your company with real-time employee engagement surveys, email, call +1 646 760 9323 (US) or +44 (0) 1223 750 251 (Europe) or visit
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